
My favorite character

Hello everyone.

Today, I’m talking about my favorite character. My favorite character in Kurokonobasuke is Kazunari Takao and Shintaro Midorima.

This is their picture. Right is Midorima and left is Takao.

 I like this duo. They go to Syutoku high school. Kazunari has a good head on his shoulders and very gentle. And he loved Shintaro. Kazunari call him Shinchan. He tender to Shinchan. He always carries taping because he can always lend it to him. Also he always carries him on “Charika”.

 Then Shintaro is very cool. He is good at shutting for long distance. He wearing glasses so he suit his character.

I watch the scene what they play basketball in the game again to again. Then I collect their goods. I have key rings, talisman, dolls, and clear-file and so on. I have many things to want yet. I want Syutoku towel now. I will present for me on Christmas.

So I like Kazunari and Shintaro!    




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